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Our Team

Our Team
Cynthia Diaz
Cynthia Diazlegal assistant

About Cynthia Diaz

Cynthia Diaz has worked for Mr. Amendt as a legal assistant since 2010. In May 2015, she received her bachelor’s degree of Arts from California State University, Fullerton, in both criminal justice and sociology. Cynthia is bilingual, speaking both English and Spanish.

Tina Valenzuela-Amendt
Tina Valenzuela-Amendthead legal secretary

About Tina Valenzuela-Amendt

Tina Valenzuela-Amendt has worked as the office administrator and head legal secretary since 1988. Her primary responsibilities include managing the day-to-day activities of the firm, speaking with existing and potential new clients, and overall ensuring that each client has the best experience possible.
