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What Should I Do If Involved In A Hit And Run?

What Should I Do If Involved In A Hit And Run?
Christian J. Amendt

When involved in a car accident all drivers must remain on the scene. When a driver flees it’s considered a hit and run, which may leave you dealing with the consequences. Taking the right steps after an accident occurs is crucial in this case, as illustrated by State Farm.

Take down as much information as possible

While it can be tough to do so, the more information you have about the other vehicle the better the chance the driver will be apprehended. Make a note of where and when the accident took place, the make and model of the vehicle, the direction it took off in, and other details. Even a partial plate number can assist law enforcement, especially when it’s accompanied by other information.

Talk to witnesses

If there are other people at the scene who saw what happened, be sure to make a note of their contact information. Witness testimony is very compelling, especially if the matter ends up in court. You can also provide witness statements to your insurance company, who may use them to make a determination on your claim. Also, make sure you request a copy of the police report. This can also be quite helpful when establishing who’s at fault.

Don’t leave the scene

No matter what you do, don’t leave the scene of the accident. Going after the fleeing driver can endanger the safety of you and other motorists. Also, you may get into legal trouble for leaving the scene. The best course of action is to wait for law enforcement arrive and speak to them directly. This will also give you an opportunity to provide any information you have about the accident.

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